![]() 胡月琴教授 电话: e-mail:yueqinhu@bnu.edu.cn 研究方向: (1)计量心理学:针对密集追踪数据的动态系统分析,包括算法开发、模型构建、应用拓展等。 (2)健康心理学:从动态系统的视角去理解人的健康行为,包括睡眠、饮食、情绪、压力管理等。 新成员招募: 课题组目前招募博士后1名,欢迎国内外的优秀博士毕业生申请(获得博士学位3年以内)。 课题组目前接收本科生科研轮转、本科生入组、本科及研究生科研助理。 了解详情请发邮件yueqinhu@bnu.edu.cn。 个人履历 学习经历: 2002.09-2006.07 北京大学 学士 2006.09-2009.07 北京大学 硕士 2009.09-2013.05 美国弗吉尼亚大学 博士 工作经历: 2013.08-2019.08 美国德州州立大学 助理教授 2019.09-2020.08 美国德州州立大学 副教授 2020.09- present 北京师范大学 教授
科学研究 发表论文 luo, x., & hu, y.* (in press). temporal misalignment in intensive longitudinal data: consequences and solutions based on dynamic structural equation models. structural equation modeling. gan, y., wang, l., schwarzer, r., chen, g., & hu, y.* (in press). eating healthy under work stress: a gene stress interaction model. health psychology. 胡月琴,王理中,陈钢,甘怡群. (2023). csf3r和行动控制对应激与健康饮食关系的调节作用:应激影响健康行为的个体化模型的初步证据. 心理学报. 55,8,1-12. 吴凡,胡月琴. (2023). 人格动态性:过程与特质整合视角. 心理科学进展. luo, x., & hu, y.* (2023). the competitive interaction between food cravings and unhealthy snacking: an application of the predator-prey model in psychology. current psychology. doi: 10.1007/s12144-022-03848-8 yao, z.*, xu, j., l., k., & hu, y.*(2023). a dynamical systems investigation of the co-regulation between perceived daily parental warmth and adolescent attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms. research on child and adolescent psychopathology. doi: 10.1007/10802-023-01039-y xu, j., wang, h., liu, s., hale, m., weng, x., ahemaitijiang, n., hu., y.*, suveg, c., & han, z*. (2023). relations among family, peer, and academic stress and adjustment in chinese adolescents: a daily diary analysis. developmental psychology. de nadai, a., hu, y., & thompson, w. k. (2022). data pollution in neuropsychiatry-an under-recognized but critical barrier to research progress. jama psychiatry, 79(2), 97-98. shen, y., lee, h., choi, y., hu, y., & kim, k. (2022). ethnic-racial socialization, ethnic-racial identity, and depressive symptoms in korean adolescents in the united states and china. journal of youth and adolescence, 51(2), 377-392. li, y., hu, y., yang, w., wang, y. (2021). daily interventions and assessments: the effect of online self-compassion meditation on psychological health. applied psychology: health well-being, 13(4), 906-921. hu, y., stephenson, k., & klare, d. (2020). the dynamic relationship between daily caffeine intake and sleep duration in middle-aged and older adults. journal of sleep research, 29(6), e12996snyder, m., haskard-zolnierek, k., howard, k., & hu, y. (2020). weight stigma is associated with provider-patient relationship factors and adherence for individuals with hypothyroidism. journal of health psychology, 27(3), 702-712. hu, y., visser, m., & kaiser, s. (2020). perceived stress and sleep quality in midlife and later: controlling for genetic and environmental influences. behavioral sleep medicine, 18(4), 537-549. ginsburg, h., hu, y., & robinson, b. (2020). little albert’s fear conditioning disappears when watson’s different presentations of the rat before and after conditioning are controlled. north american journal of psychology, 22(4), 661-678. shen,y., seo, e., hu, y., zhang, m., & chao, r. k. (2019). measurement invariance of language brokering extent and attitudes in linguistic minority adolescents: item response theory analyses. cultural diversity and ethnic minority psychology, 25, 170-178. hu, y., & treinen, r. f. (2019). a one-step method for modeling intensive longitudinal data with differential equations. british journal of mathematical and statistical psychology, 1, 38-60. menge, l. r., hu y., crixell, s., lloyd, l, bezner, j., burke, t. (2019). influences on catered event ordering in a university workplace: development and validation of the understanding food ordering (ufo) survey. american journal of health promotion, 33(4), 616-619. hu, y., huang, y. (2018). dynamic regulation toward an external stimulus: a differential equation model. multivariate behavioral research, 53(6), 925-939. hu, y., wang, y., sun, y., arteta garcia, j., & purol, s. (2018). diary study: the protective role of self-compassion on stress-related poor sleep quality. mindfulness, 9, 1931-1940. menge, l.r., crixell, s., hu, y., lloyd, l., bezner, j., burke, t. oliver, j. (2018). policies and other influences on food-ordering decisions for catered events in a university workplace. journal of nutrition education and behavior, 7, s122-s123. hu, y., boker, s. (2017). latent differential equation models for binary and ordinal data. structural equation modeling: a multidisciplinary journal. 24, 52-64. hu, y., nesselroade, j. r., erbacher, m. k., boker, s. m., burt, s. a., keel, p. k., neale, m. c., sisk, c. l., & klump, k. (2016). test reliability at the individual level. structural equation modeling: a multidisciplinary journal, 23, 532-543. boker, s. m., staples, a. d., & hu, y. (2016). dynamics of change and change in dynamics. journal for person-oriented research, 2, 34-55. arteta garcia, j., cobos, b. a., hu, y., jordan, k., & howard, k. (2016). evaluation of how depression and anxiety mediate the relationship between pain catastrophizing and prescription opioid misuse in a chronic pain population. pain medicine, 17(2), 295-303. hu, y., xu, y., tornello, s. (2016). stability of self-reported same-sex and bisexual attraction from adolescence to adulthood. archives of sexual behavior, 45(3), 651-659. hu, y., boker, s., neale, m., & klump, k. (2014). coupled latent differential equation with moderators: simulation and application. psychological methods, 19, 56-71. lambert, a. e., hu,y., magee, j. c., beadel, j. r. & teachman, b. a. (2014). thought suppression across time: change in frequency and duration of thought recurrence. journal of obsessive compulsive and related disorders, 1, 21-28. gasimova, f., robitzsch, a., wilhelm, o., boker, s., hu, y., & hülür, g. (2014). dynamical systems analysis applied to working memory data. frontiers in psychology, 5, 687. haedt-matt, a. a., keel, p. k., racine, s., burt, a., hu, y., boker, s., neale, m., & klump, k. (2014). do emotional eating urges regulate affect? concurrent and prospective associations and implications for risk models of binge eating. international journal of eating disorders, 47(8), 874-877. hu, y., & boker, s. (2013). permutation tests of coupled latent differential equations, multivariate behavioral research, 48, 160. klump, k.l., keel, p.k., racine, s.e., burt, s.a., neale, m., sisk, c.l., boker, s. m., & hu, y. (2013). the interactive effects of estrogen and progesterone on changes in emotional eating across the menstrual cycle. journal of abnormal psychology, 122, 131-137. hu, y., gan, y., liu, y., (2012). how chinese people infer helper’s ambiguous intentions: helper effort and interpersonal relationships. international journal of psychology, 1, 1-12. hu, y., & gan, y., (2011). future-oriented coping and job hunting among college students. psychological record. 61(2), 253-268. gan, y., hu, y., & zhang, y. (2010). proactive and preventive coping in adjustment to college. psychological record, 60, spring issue. 胡月琴,甘怡群. (2008). 青少年心理韧性量表的编制和效度验证. 心理学报,40,902-912. 甘怡群,奚庄庄,胡月琴,张轶文. (2007). 核心自我评价预测学业倦怠的新成分:集体自尊. 北京大学学报,43, 716-722. 科研项目 国家自然科学基金科学基金面上项目,密集追踪数据动态建模新方法:数值优化算法及样本量设计(2022-2025,项目批准号:32171089),主持 大学生自杀危机预防与干预全过程模型的建构、优化与应用研究(2022-2023,项目号:310499101,北京师范大学),子课题主持 中学生自伤与伤人风险测评工具的开发(2022-2023,杭州铭师堂),主持national institutes of health (001452-00001): innovative physiological predictors of college drinking. co-investigator texas state research enhancement program: using derivatives to analyze within-individual fluctuations. principal investigator. texas state university start-up fund: the dynamic relationship between daily habits and healthy sleep. principal investigator 国家自然科学基金青年项目(31700961):自我悲悯干预对心血管疾病患者心脏康复的作用与机制。参与 教育部人文社科专项项目(16yjczh107):自我悲悯干预对于成年初显期人群健康促进行为的干预研究。参与 广东省自然科学基金项目(2017a030310423):儿童精神病态的异质性发展轨迹:表观遗传与教养环境的共同作用。参与 软件开发 胡月琴,刘清山(2023)r包:defit: fitting differential equations to time series data. https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/defit/index.html
教学工作 本科教学 心理测量introduction to statistics intermediate statistics 研究生教学 心理学研究方法 高级心理应用统计 心理学前沿讲座 univariate and bivariate statistics multivariate statistics
社会工作 中国心理学会行为与健康心理学专业委员会委员 国际心理测量协会 psychometric society 会员 美国心理学会第5分会(测量与统计分会)apa division 5 会员 学术期刊编委会 mindfulness 副主编 journal of psychology: interdisciplinary and applied 编委 学术期刊长期审稿人 psychological methods structural equation modeling: a multidisciplinary journal multivariate behavioral research british journal of mathematical and statistical psychology journal of health psychology american journal of health behavior frontiers in psychology mindfulness pain practice
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